Malware Development 2: Advanced Techniques (MALDEV2)
Elevate your malware development skills with advanced techniques. Dive deeper into code injection, evasion strategies, and analysis tools to enhance your capabilities.
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This course is about more advanced techniques in Malware Development. This course builds on what you have learned in Malware Development and Reverse Engineering 1: The Basics, by extending your development skills with:
You will learn first-hand from a Malware Developers’ perspective what windows API functions are commonly used in malware and finally have a deeper understanding of malware so that you will have enhanced skills when doing malware analysis later.
Learning Methodology:
Build programs that simulate Windows Trojans and Reverse Engineer them.
This will make you a better Reverse Engineer and Malware Analyst and also Penetration Tester.
The best way to understand malware is to be a Malware Developer.
Everything is highly practical. No boring theory or lectures. More like walk-throughs which you can replicate and follow along.
By the end of this course, you will have the basic skills to better understand how Malware works from the programmers' point of view. This knowledge and skills are suitable for those aspiring to be Red Teamers. Even if you have no intention of creating malware, the insider knowledge and skills you gain from this course will make you a better security professional.
Also, having practical knowledge of malware development will give you a better understanding of how to reverse engineer malware. By the end of this course, you would have gained a solid foundation for understanding how hackers can exploit windows API to inject malicious code into other processes.
Suitable for:
Introduction to Malware Development 2
Password to unzip files
Please use Windows 10 or 11
How to setup a malware development lab
Intro to PE header export directory structure
Practical on PE header export directory structure
Intro to PE header IAT directory structure
Practical on PE header IAT and import directory
Intro to advanced function obfuscation
FREE PREVIEWPractical on advanced function obfuscation
Analyzing GetProcAddr in xdbg
Intro to thread context injection
Explanation of API used in thread context injection
Practical on thread context injection